Sideload Channel Launcher 1 for TV

by DXIdev


1.88 usd

¡Lanzada la versión 3! ¡Crea tus propios canales de Android TV usando cualquiera de tus aplicaciones!

Version 3 has been released (separate download). Version 3 includes many new and exciting features!nnnCreate your own Android TV channels to launch your installed sideloaded applications or any other installed Android application.nnWith our channel creator you can access your applications directly from the home screen which means you do not need another launcher to open any of your applications (sideloaded or not).nnYour custom channels can hold as many of your applications as you wish and you can customize all aspects of the channel; from its name to its logo. nnYou can design your own tiles from the applications icon/banner, use an icon pack, pick from an included tile, or specify the location of an image online.nnWith the added ability to add multiple apps to any tile you can organize your applications into the style that suits you.nnSideload Channel does also includes a "launcher mode" so that you can test your configuration or use it as an alternative method to launch your applications.nnRequires Android 8.0 Oreo